Trails: Mount Erskine Bike Trail – Penang

I would say this is one of the best off road in Penang and well maintained by the downhillers. There aren’t many pure off road here as many of them you will have to go thru fruit orchards or farms which they are either cemented or tarred. Bukit Papan and Bukit Gambir is one of the closest to pure off road (some cemented) but nothing is compare to this. This trail is located at behind the Mount Erskine wet market.

IMG_3071 The trail begins here

The trail is 3.52km long from gate to the circle up in the trails (you can continue onwards to Penang Hill #47) and it will probably take you about 15-25mins depending on your stamina.

Beginning of the trail


The end of trail


I am not sure if I can say this trail is suitable for everyone. It is relative easy to ride up as there aren’t many steep climb but lots of loose soil especially during dry season. There are few sections filled with rocks but not difficult. Coming down you may need some basic off road skills as there are rocks, uneven grounds and loose soil which the tires can be easily slide off. All these will change during the monsoon season.

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Throughout the trails, there are a lot of berms for fast cornering, jumps, double jump, etc. And, of course, those who are beginners there are “chicken route” for you to maneuver thru the jumps. The best part of trail is the Rollercoaster jump which it can get your adrenaline pump up to the max by making the double jump. Just be careful at some jumps as there is a cut out in between and some as wide as 1 MTB length or deep hole. So, don’t hesitate when making the jump. If you are not confident, take the chicken route.

Some of the jumps

IMG_3050 IMG_3049 IMG_3058IMG_3046IMG_3047  Hole in between

IMG_3052 A dug hole

Famous Roller-coaster (this is partially taken only – not a full jump)



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This place is normally filled with downhiller on Tuesday evening, Saturday and Sunday Morning till about noon. Don’t worry, you can ride this trail at any time of the day and still stay cool. This place fully covered by trees, birds, butterfly and riders. 🙂

This is what you have throughout the trail

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For trail users’ safety, please always ride on your LEFT. Those downhillers will keep LEFT also when making any jumps or coming down. By the way, please get a full suspension bike before doing the BIG jump (unless you are super good). And enjoy your ride…