Trail: Bukit Gambir

This is an easy and very short trail for those of you who are running against time. From top to bottom is only 6.5km and can complete within 40mins.

It is very easy ride up as the trail is wide and it is used by construction trucks. And, the climb is not tough too. Coming down may be slide challenge as they have laid small rocks on top of the trail. If you have your tires set to wide range, it should be able to control well. There is just a short distance of the trail which one may find some difficult to climb. It is very narrow, about 20° gradients and next to a cliff.

Getting into the trail is to go thru Ashley Green housing estate in Bukit Gambir. I don’t think anyone will get lost here as you just have to go straight with just 1 or 2 turns. Just follow the pictures below for the direction and use the wide path.

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Just going straight until you hit the cemented road and a great view.

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Just go a little bit further and there is a small praying hut on your right hand side, then turn into another small trail as shown on the left picture here.

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The reward for getting to the top of the hill is this.
